If you are18 or over ( or over 16 with a parent or legal Guardians permission ) and have read our Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Statement and wish to submit an account of an accident you witnessed, you may do so here. If an accident victim, insurance adjuster, lawyer or other individual or company comes to WreckWitness.com looking for information about that accident you will be paid $50.00 U.S. dollars before they are granted access to the information. Once they send a check or make a paypal payment to WreckWitness.com, the entire amount of $50.00 will be forwarded to you in the form of a check or a paypal payment. In order to complete the transaction, you will have to supply WreckWitness.com with your Paypal information, or your mailing address in order to recieve payment. A form for this purpose is provided at the bottom of this page. Please include in your email all that you can of the following items: What To Include In Your Email 1. Where did the accident take place... Street name, Freeway/Highway number, direction of travel, near what business or landmark, which way were the vehicles going, which way did they end up, near a tree, near a guardrail, on a sidewalk, ? etc... 2. The color, make ( chevrolet, ford, toyota ? ), model ( pickup,mustang, corolla, altima,) type ( van, convertible,truck, station wagon, big rig, flat bed, SUV ) of the vehicle(s).
3. Weather and traffic conditions? 4. What lane were the vehicles in? On a multi lane road, the fast lane is always number 1. Or were they in a turn lane, or was one vehicle parked? 5.What did you actually SEE ? Which vehicle did what? Who used a blinker? Who skidded? Who stopped abruptly? Did you see a license plate number? Did you see the driver(s) clearly? Did you see any passengers? Did you see anyone get out of the vehicles?
6.What, if any damage did you observe after the accident? Which side of each vehicle was damaged? Was there damage to the front or rear? Were the windows broken? Were any major parts ( doors, bumpers, fenders ) knocked off due to the accident?
7.Did you stay at the scene of the accident? Did you see anyone else stop?
8. Please include all that you can recall, remember... you would hope for the same should you or a loved one ever be involved in a hit and run accident or in an accident where " Who was at fault" was in question. Please Scroll Down And Read This Entire Page, Thank You .
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To Get Paid
Should someone come to WreckWitness.com looking for information about the accident you witnessed, we will first bill them on your behalf and then forward $50.00 to you. In order to do this we request that you fill out the form below with your contact information.If you wish to be paid through a Paypal account , include your Paypal information in the comments box below.Remember, WreckWitness.com does not share your personal or contact information without your prior permission!